
enduco - onboarding optimisation

My role

Lead Product Designer



The challenge

Creating an effective onboarding process for the enduco app involves gathering the necessary data for tailored and adaptive training plans while ensuring a user-friendly experience. This challenge is to cater to both beginners and experienced athletes, bridging the gap between technical requirements and user ease. Novice athletes often struggle with scientific terms during onboarding, which hinders their experience and contributes to a high dropout rate. This dropout rate is frustrating for both users and the business, as it impacts user retention and overall satisfaction.

The hypothesis

By identifying and addressing the friction points experienced by novice users during the onboarding process, we could reduce frustration and improve retention. By offering additional explanations and guidance, we believed we could create a smoother, more intuitive onboarding experience that effectively gathers the necessary data without overwhelming users, especially those unfamiliar with the technical aspects of endurance sports.

The solution

To tackle this challenge, we conducted quantitative research to pinpoint the specific friction points within the Enduco onboarding process for novice users. Armed with these insights, we redesigned the onboarding flow to seamlessly collect essential data while minimizing user frustration. This involved providing additional explanations and guidance to help users navigate scientific terms and concepts more easily. By making these adjustments, we aimed to enhance the user experience, reduce the dropout rate, and ensure that both beginners and experienced athletes could benefit from a tailored and adaptive training plan.

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© Felix Noll 2024


+49 151 582 099 84

Let’s start your next project together.

© Felix Noll 2024


+49 151 582 099 84

Let’s start your next project together.

© Felix Noll 2024


+49 151 582 099 84